Monday 5 November 2012


Chillin' with Lupa at 33 weeks

33 weeks in. 4 weeks until I'm considered full term, and 7 weeks until my due date. (Though I can't shake the feeling that this baby is not going to hang around until 40 weeks)

There really isn't a whole lot to report - I'm afraid! Its all fairly boring standard pregnant stuff. My back does hurt, I am still getting leg cramps, I do not sleep well - at any time - and my belly is big and round and...big and round.  

I am fielding the growing anxiety over labour and delivery. I presume this is also fairly standard. I don't particularly want to get into details, but the entire....thing, is unsettling and cause for fear. Yes, I know women all over the world in all situations and at all ages participate in the labour and delivery of babies. I can honestly say that it doesn't change the way this woman feels.

I've refused to attend pre-natal classes on my own at the hospital, but our region offers quite a reputable eLearning Prenatal course - which also happens to be free. I'm currently waiting for my registration information to arrive in the post. In the meantime, I'm busying myself with decorating the nursery - For some reason - its the most challenging decorating project I've encountered yet. I'm busy focusing on birthday gifts and Christmas preparation. James graduates in just over 3 weeks and I spend half my time wishing away the days to bring my husband home permanently and the other half wishing that time would just slow down. I am not ready to have this baby. The home, my marriage, my plans! Not even remotely ready.

That eLearning Prenatal Course had better be something miraculous. I'm wholly hoping that I won't be watching any videos. Diagrams from the 90's will suit me just fine.

P.S. I grunt and lose my balance when trying to put on tights, I also huff and puff when taking laundry out of the washing machine, cleaning the loos and can feel my heart thumping when I've walked from the basement to the top floor.  Glam.O.Rous. 


  1. You are a smokeshow. I love the way you write, your witty banter and your hilarious POV.

    You child is going to be so blessed.

    And as for the labour and delivery - You can do it. And look like a vision of beauty. Just ask Vanessa. She seems to have it down.


    1. Oh Kristina, you are always so positive and complimentary. Such a ray of sunshine. We should meet for coffee. You could make a group of professional mourners laugh! And yes, you're right. V DOES have the whole GORGEOUS post delivery thing down. As IF her hospital pics were so gorgeous! I bet she didn't even photoshop 'em. :)
