Sunday 26 August 2012


A solid 23 weeks in and still no movement! I don't think. Though, we really are so so busy that I could very likely have missed the movement. I have been told by my OB to go to the labour assessment ward this week if necessary, and told by my GP that if I do not feel movement for another 2-3 weeks. So, I'm not really sure what to do. Practically, we are assisting my sister-in-law with moving into her new student spot this weekend and James leaves for London's training next Tuesday. We have one week to prepare for both moves and also to wrap up the legalities of our house closing. Exciting times ahead!

I have been experiencing pretty mild leg cramping over the past couple of months, but on Friday evening my right calf cramped so painfully I cried. At about 4am I grabbed James' arm (I dont know why I thought it would help) while the cramp lasted for seemingly ages. It's actually more severe than the cramping I had from my HellRunner days and I've been limping all day today as a result. I assume that I'm limping due to the cramping on Friday night and not the 5 mile run James and I completed on Saturday morning. Assuming.

I still have not managed to find a suitable location for the baby shower. This is actually causing me quite a bit of grief. It'd be ideal to have it in our house, however, we've decided to have it at a cafe or restaurant for a variety of reasons. Finding something that is "baby shower" appropriate is proving to be very challenging indeed. Oh how I long for Afternoon Tea at Manchester's Lowry Hotel. We had it there the day before the wedding and it was just a wonderful treat. The service was impeccable, the china was fine and the food was ridiculously indulgent and perfectly done. Its shocking to me that Toronto does not have something similar to offer. But I digress...the search is causing me a certain amount of stress. I intend to remedy it this week. Hopefully.

No further updates as yet. Baby OH continues to grow (I can only assume by the swell) and as a sappy  additional note, I'm falling quite in love with this belly.

Monday 20 August 2012

Twenty 2 and a bit

No photo I am afraid. I cannot take one of myself and we've not had time for James to take one of me. Next week! To be perfectly honest, I am a little bit relieved that there are no photos this week. I really have not felt myself. My bigger belly has made me acutely aware of my "outtie" derriere. I have affectionately referred to it as my African bum, however, the affection has now worn off and I'd rather be less in touch with my African roots at this exact moment. Much. less.

I feel like I'm spending my days waiting for something to happen. Waiting for movement (one and a half weeks to go before I need to visit the assessment ward at the hospital), waiting for James to get his blood work, waiting for my blood work and medication, waiting to find clothes that fit, waiting for the time when someone doesn't look at me in astonishment and proclaim "you're pregnant?!?"

(This becomes more and more insulting with each passing week. No, I do not usually have a belly this size. Yes, I do have wide hips and healthy thighs, no, it does not mean that I have a belly to match. Yes, this is a pregnancy sized bosom. And lastly, no you really shouldn't  have said anything. *sigh*)

As my other blog explained, I'm generally just quite miserable today. I should be rejoicing in being off work and having the freedom to plan and prepare for the house. I have the time to cook my husband a home-made lasagna this evening! I have the time to paint my nails and to write blog posts!

Upon introspection, I think it might be a bit of pregnancy blues. I'll put the to-do list on hold until tomorrow, because its exacerbating my mood. I'll cook dinner, have a cup of tea and paint my nails. Then I will pick my husband up from work, find out what he's been up to in his training. And lastly, I will go to bed early, read my Bible and aim for a solid 8 hours of sleep. Tomorrow is another day, another long TO-DO list and another opportunity to sort out this grouchy demeanour.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Revelations from an OB

Today I was scheduled for my first OB appointment at the hospital. It was...interesting.

But first, again, I have lapsed with the updates and photos. In my defense, we really have been quite busy preparing to move into our house, James started his new job this week and I have been finishing up my time at work. Here is the yay for me part - tomorrow is my last day at work until after maternity leave. I couldn't be more excited. It does make me sound awfully lazy, but it couldn't have come at a better time. My sciatica is starting to cause me grief again, James is on long hours, my work schedule isn't fixed and we are spending a lot of time arranging appointments for contractors in the new house, looking at samples etc etc. It just is a lot more stress than necessary. Oh yes! And of course, the multitude of doctor's appointments involved in pregnancy. So I rejoice at being one short shift away from freedom! Freedom to focus on the other aspects of my life. Hopefully a positive side effect will be more regular workouts for me. I certainly need them!

I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office today and weighed in at a whopping 10lbs gained!! I know I am not a true 10lbs heavier - having just eaten lunch, consumed a litre of water etc before the appointment. The lovely petite nurse raised her eyebrows when the weight flashed up, my sentiments exactly. 

Dr Kanee was professional and quite friendly - which should have quelled my anxiety of having a male doctor, but didn't. After a brief discussion, he inquired about whether I'd felt the baby move - and I haven't. He told me not to feel concerned - which I didn't, until that moment. I've been instructed to visit the assessment unit at the hospital in 2 weeks time if I still haven't felt any movement. Concern - increased.

He then explained the results of my blood tests from the lab - which my awful, horrendously incapable, miserable, unprofessional, unkind doctor neglected to do. (Pregnancy rant: What kind of a doctor receives lab results which require a direct action of the patient in the very near future and does not feel the need to phone, write, email, send a pigeon carrier in order to convey the information?!!?) Where was I? The results: It turns out that my blood type is O negative. O.

Since only 15% of the population have a negative blood type, the chance that James is negative is quite slim. He will be getting his blood tested this week to confirm. This means that I am likely to have a RH positive baby while being RH negative myself. I asked if being RH negative was common, and was told that it was not, but again, that it was not a cause for concern. Concern - increasing in massive succession.

I will have some more testing done in 2 weeks, I will have to have medication at approximately 26weeks and again just before the birth. This will hopefully mean that James and I can have more children in the future. The revelation was followed by a pelvic exam. Joyous. I lay, ungraciously, on the examination table and tried to think on other things. Such as - being RH negative. My eyes welled up out of concern for Baby H, (or O, we haven't decided yet) and our plans for our family. I prayed for peace and God, in His love, answered instantly. It's going to be ok. It is going to be ok. He has known the path of my life all along and He knows the path our family will take. And the health of this baby, and the ability to have more, or the ability to accept not having more, is in His control. And that really does give me peace.

Needless to say, my first appointment with my OB was not a wonderful experience. It could've been worse, but I'm quite certain it could've been much more pleasant.

Stay tuned for Week 22 pics on Saturday. This belly is out of control!

Sunday 5 August 2012


Halfway there now! Its actually starting to become really enjoyable - despite the aches and niggles. I think I look quite obviously pregnant, and so I laughed quite freely at work when more than one person gawked when I told them that I was 5 months along. I don't know whether or not to be offended as their surprise must mean that I usually look a little bit pregnant! I'm sure that I dont usually look pregnant, and content myself with the fact my co-workers just don't look at me that closely.

James and I attended my 20 week ultrasound this past Friday and it was wonderful. I had a little snooze in the dark room while the technician took 40 minutes worth of images. She then brought James in so that we could find out the baby's gender. We were in awe of how much this tiny little thing had changed from the first ultrasound we saw 2 months ago. A tiny little heart beating fast, fingers and toes and a lovely little nose. I became a bit emotional when we saw the baby, heard its heart beating and were fortunate enough to find out the gender without chance of error. That little guy was letting it all hang out - as they say.

Emotionally, I am so pleased and excited for this baby. Physically, I am still dealing with some things, but mostly, I am starting to really bond with our little boy. I know it sounds odd, bonding with something that I don't yet have a relationship with, but I suppose its a evolutionary, innate response to this stage of development. I am amazed at God's wisdom in creating us to have these emotional responses. Truth be told, I am just amazed by the entire process of fertilizing an egg on day X and having a whole human being created in 9 months filled with their very own unique personality. I understand its scientific, but the beauty of it, for me, can only be from God.