Monday 20 August 2012

Twenty 2 and a bit

No photo I am afraid. I cannot take one of myself and we've not had time for James to take one of me. Next week! To be perfectly honest, I am a little bit relieved that there are no photos this week. I really have not felt myself. My bigger belly has made me acutely aware of my "outtie" derriere. I have affectionately referred to it as my African bum, however, the affection has now worn off and I'd rather be less in touch with my African roots at this exact moment. Much. less.

I feel like I'm spending my days waiting for something to happen. Waiting for movement (one and a half weeks to go before I need to visit the assessment ward at the hospital), waiting for James to get his blood work, waiting for my blood work and medication, waiting to find clothes that fit, waiting for the time when someone doesn't look at me in astonishment and proclaim "you're pregnant?!?"

(This becomes more and more insulting with each passing week. No, I do not usually have a belly this size. Yes, I do have wide hips and healthy thighs, no, it does not mean that I have a belly to match. Yes, this is a pregnancy sized bosom. And lastly, no you really shouldn't  have said anything. *sigh*)

As my other blog explained, I'm generally just quite miserable today. I should be rejoicing in being off work and having the freedom to plan and prepare for the house. I have the time to cook my husband a home-made lasagna this evening! I have the time to paint my nails and to write blog posts!

Upon introspection, I think it might be a bit of pregnancy blues. I'll put the to-do list on hold until tomorrow, because its exacerbating my mood. I'll cook dinner, have a cup of tea and paint my nails. Then I will pick my husband up from work, find out what he's been up to in his training. And lastly, I will go to bed early, read my Bible and aim for a solid 8 hours of sleep. Tomorrow is another day, another long TO-DO list and another opportunity to sort out this grouchy demeanour.


  1. Booo to the bad mood!
    It doesn't matter what anybody else are pregnant and your body is changing daily as your beautiful baby grows inside you. As long as you are both healthy, then let people think what they want to think! You will have an 'obvious' baby bump before you know it!

    Concentrate on making lovely home cooked dinners, and spending time with James. Do the essential things on the 'to-do' list, and leave the others for another day!
    OR....make 'good' lists - like things we can do when I visit :)


  2. Booty-shmooty. I have never thought of you (your butt or legs) as anything by small. HONESTLY. So phooey on those people.
    You are gorgeous.

    And I agree with Sarah. In everything she said.
