Thursday 20 September 2012

26...and 5 days

I'm hoping to get the hang of this weekly blog by the time I am pregnant with my second child. Let's just chalk this up to a steep learning curve. Yes, this pic is a bit of a cop-out, but I've been wearing my little Miss Bossy shirt (figuratively) for a good few weeks. It suits me! And it suits our current circumstances. 

I've been fortunate enough to only experience vague pregnancy symptoms so far. Nausea for 2 weeks, the usual achy boobs thing and fatigue. I've managed to largely dodge the unexplained crying fits, quick tempers, moodiness and crazy eating habits. So far. This morning I craved English sausages with brown sauce (that's HP sauce to you Canadian and South African folk) with a side of cinnamon roll. Yup, cinnamon roll. Fortunately I didn't eat either, but I think that the lack of sleep and stress of the past 2 weeks is starting to show itself in my pregnancy. Today, while putting primer on the nursery walls (after having started to paint them a horrendous industrial rust colour, which was really meant to be a orange cream colour), I started to experience quite a bit of aching in my abdomen. My body is telling me to slow down, my head is telling my body to suck it up until next Wednesday (my last day of painting and prep before our furniture is delivered and I have to start setting up the house).

I'm convinced that I just need a couple of nights of good rest. Either a sore back, nightmares or an uncomfortable belly plague me nightly. I'm assuming its just part of the pregnancy process. I have been told by a few people that my belly seems to have popped again, so perhaps my body is just going through a bit of a quick change this week. I bet you're all even more sorry now that there isn't a profile photo. We'll be sure to do one this weekend. 


  1. I can see the growing looks great! And the T-shirt is awesome.....and rather appropriate I can imagine!

    And the house looks amazing! Only 2 weeks till my visit :)

  2. Oh, and in this months Runners World magazine there is an article about being pregnant and running....I will aim to bring it over for u!!!

    1. I'll try to find it online if you can email me the name. By the time you arrive, I probably won't be doing too much running anymore. I'll be 7.5months along! I've got to start being smart about this at SOME stage. Bring your shoes though, there'll be LOTS of power walking. WOOHOO.
