Sunday 1 July 2012


A week shy of the 16 week mark and I am fielding anxieties. They mostly revolve around the fear of miscarriage or infection that can lead to birth defects. I had stretching ligament aches and pains which were terrifying until my troll of a doctor brusquely told me it was normal. Today I experienced sharp pain in my upper abdomen and rushed to to find out that it's likely caused by indigestion. Ah. Yes of course! How foolish of me. Indigestion. This evening I have aching in my lower abdomen. I'm hoping its caused by stretching ligaments again as I am starting to advance from food baby to baby baby. 

I am due to have my second round of blood work when we return home after our holiday. Its to determine if I have any markers. I've had mixed advice about whether or not to get the results of the test. I do however understand the dilemma it would cause for James and I if the blood work does show markers.

The uncertainties that come with pregnancy (especially a first) are usual and expected. While I don't find them consuming, they linger persistently. I do take comfort in God's timing, His wisdom and knowing that most women have healthy babies on a daily basis. But the unknown is scary. And my own voice of reason is consistently quiet where this pregnancy is concerned. The only recourse is to celebrate the weeks as they pass and hope.


  1. I hear ya.
    The possibilities are endless when it comes to worry. And I think pregnancy as a whole prepares you for parenting. It's not like the reasons to worry end once the child is born. Nope. There are a whole new set. It's a constant laying down of burdens and worries.
    Awesome. :)
    Sorry your doctor is a troll. Boo.

    1. Hey! Its nice to hear a similar opinion to my own. Its difficult to determine if I'm being neurotic or perfectly normal. And yes, she's a nightmare. I could never call her to ask if any symptom is normal or to be expected. And I'm starting to figure out that this whole parenting lark is going to be an endless education.
