Monday 2 July 2012

Fifteen (and a bit)

I celebrated reaching 15 weeks because it brought us one step closer to the 4 month mark. Despite the tendency for others to be excited at the 3 month point which signals the end of the 1st trimester, James and I are more excited about 4 months as a milestone. We get to share with everyone that we're going to be parents. Though, judging by my expanding belly, we'd probably have a hard time hiding it when we get back from holiday.  Certainly the belly has been helped along by helpings of freshly baked morning muffins. Today, I'm eating 3. The calorie equivalent of 3 cupcakes, I know. But somehow "muffin" feels like "cupcake without guilt" and since they're freshly baked just for us, it'd be rude to say no. I was raised with manners. 

I finally look pregnant. And it pleases me. I don't know the statistics regarding when women start to "show", but considering that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, I'm just going with the flow! I am excited for the next trimester. I think months 4-6 will be glorious. For those of you who know me, this is not because I am excited to shop. I certainly am not rushing out to purchase any maternity clothing. I'm used to my style of clothing and the way my things belong together. I have had to concede on some articles, but for the most part, I still maintain my own style. I'd like to do so for as long as possible regardless of the size of this belly. 


  1. Yay, I see a beautiful growing baby bump there!:) (and you look lovely too!)

    And you are on holiday, so have as many 'healthy' morning muffins as you can fit in! I definitely would! Even without the excuse of helping my baby to grow!!!

  2. You are SO CUTE!
    And as for muffins, I told our helper girl that we call them muffins so we can justify eating cake for breakfast. :) I love muffins.
