Sunday, 15 July 2012


No preamble required, there is no photo update this week, nor will there be in the coming weeks. Consider that I am someone so non photogenic that posing and posing and posing (these weekly photos require many attempts) actually causes sweat to bead. And arguments between James and I to flair up. He feels his photography skills are inadequate, I feel that you can only do so much with an unflattering subject. Needless to say, today's photo attempt verged on traumatic and so, there will be no more. 

Back to the update. I have spent 2 weeks with various belly aches and pains, though nothing resembling the dreaded cramping I've been wary of. My belly has become a noticeable bump in the past 10 days or so and my appetite is flourishing. The latter is not necessarily a positive development. Though we have been making a good effort with our new fitness commitment and I have only gained 3lbs so far into the pregnancy. 

Our main focus at the moment is finding a new doctor while I wait for my first appointment with an OB at the hospital - which is only happening around 22 weeks. Its proving to be quite difficult but I have been told by the hospital that its essential to have my blood pressure and weight checked. We also need to arrange an ultrasound through a doctor to find out the sex of the baby - woohoo! This is something we are both really looking forward to, though we really do not have a preference. The usual adage of "healthy and well" is true for us as well as most other couples. Though, I did dream last night that we were having a boy, which James takes as positive proof of the fact. Sigh. Boys will be boys. 


  1. Oh I'll be praying for just the right doctor for ya, hun.
    Ask around and see if anyone's doctor can see you - that's how we got our referral for our doctor in Guelph.
    Excited to find out with you guys (are you going to tell) the gender!
    And boo to no more pictures! Just take a picture of the body, forget about the face if you can get a good one you like.
    And psh to not being photogenic! You're gorgeous!
    Love you.

  2. I TOTALLY agree with Vanessa, you are photogenic, and beautiful and gorgeous!!! You are just too critical of yourself (don't take that the wrong way....but I know what you can be like!).

    So yes, just body 'bump' shots would be enough to ease my curiosity of your developing pregnancy! And just think how great it will be too look back on the changes taking place over the coming months.
    PLEASE.....just for the sake of far away friends :)

    And have you sacked the 'beast' doctor?

  3. Alright alright ladies. I'll give it another go. And no, no joy on the doctor front yet. I can't officially fire the beast until I've found a replacement - just in case. Thanks for the interest though! :)
