Thursday 21 June 2012


I know that I'm approximately 36hours shy of officially being 14 weeks along, but some days are just not good days for photos and since I'll be working early on Saturday, today seemed a perfect opportunity for the first of the pregnancy photos.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how much weight I've gained since I've avoided stepping on a scale in over 6 weeks but judging by the rump in this photo, its a fair bit. Error in judgement? Almost certainly. I really must get a bathroom scale. Recently I had to purchase a pair of pants that are a size up from my regular size. In the far corner of my mind I knew that it was a mistake to go for a bigger size, but I was overcome by the relief of being comfortable again. This has got to stop. The words "comfort" and "relief" have never been synonymous with the words "fashionable" or "chic" or "well put together".

Solution? I've purchased the The Womens Health Big Book of Excercises that has a variety of workouts (with the various positions explained and pictured) including a prenantal workout which varies according to your trimester. I shall be be starting that this afternoon. AND (yes, there is more - I'm not really one for doing anything in half stages) I've been reading a wonderful book called Bringing Up Bebe which has some excellent information on staying trim (or getting trim) the French way. No bread during the week? No lattes? No problem! (I can have bread on the weekend - it says so!) I've also sworn off any larger sizes of anything - except maybe bras. Ummm, and shoes. I bought these classic wedges today in a size bigger so that I can wear them all summer long regardless of potential swelling or discomfort.

And so, with week 14 under my belt - ha, what a great unintentional pun - I am about to enter the "most comfortable of the three trimesters" with "renewed energy", "reduced nausea" and the excitement that comes with being able to finally share the information with others.


  1. Cutes patoots!
    LOVE those shoes. WANT. :)
    Yeah, I've been hearing about that Bringing up Bebe book.

    1. NOW I just need to go somewhere that is suitable for me to wear them! AND I got them on sale for 50% off! You've heard about the book? Good things? I'm really enjoying it - it feels like so much common sense in terms of parenting etc.

    2. A girl I know was giving away a copy on her blog, so I'm guessing that means she liked the book. :)
      Other than that, I haven't heard too much about it. I say, do what works for you and James. Forget about everyone else. :P

  2. I think you look lovely!
    And so happy and brown and beautiful.
